-Cafeteria Food-

Sometimes when Elizabeth gets home late from work and I don’t feel like cooking, we will go to the local Piccadilly Cafeteria. When we go in, we are almost always the only people in the entire establishment under the age of 65. I don’t know what it is about cafeterias and the chronologically advanced that go together so harmoniously. Nevertheless, Elizabeth and I enjoy it. The food is always hot and fresh, it usually tastes pretty good, and there is always a wide selection of meat and veggies to choose from. We walk down the line and say, "I’ll have some of that," and "no spinach for me, thanks," and "Oh course I want a piece of pecan pie! What kind of question is that?" It seems like every time I go inside I pick a different combination of meat, potato, and veggie, but the pecan pie is always on my tray by the time I get to the end of the line.

Unfortunately, many people approach Christianity the same way - "Cafeteria Style Christianity." There are certain aspects of Christianity that we all love and enjoy. We love God’s sweet tea "blessings," His macaroni and cheese "comfort," and His fried chicken "protection." And who could pass up His pecan pie offer of "eternal life." Not too many people go through life unwilling to choose these great offerings.

However, there is another side of Christianity that some people will pass on every time - the Brussels sprouts of "suffering" and the spinach of "sacrifice." And when impatient people have to wait on God’s perfect timing, it feels like eating liver and onions! It’s not always easy to follow those aspects of Christianity, yet Christianity isn’t "buffet style." Not only do we enjoy the blessings of God, but we must also persevere and trust in the Lord even when we are called to give up some things and do other things that are inconvenient for us at the time.
Ultimately God has a plan for your life. Sometimes it’s going to taste good like homemade mashed potatoes; other times, it may entail sacrifice and being out of your comfort zone, like eating pickled beets for the first time. But, just like all these less desirable vegetables, sometimes it’s the suffering and sacrifice that make us stronger and healthier Christians in the end.

-Spending time in the Word-
1. Read Hebrews 10:32-34, and 1 Peter 1:3-9. One sounds better than the other, but both are an important aspect of Christianity that we will face.
2. Read Romans 12:1-8. Find out the difference between a monetary or physical sacrifice, and what God wants from you - a living sacrifice.

-Hiding the Word in your heart-
Memorize these verses as you continue to study the Word of God daily.
1. Hebrews 10:24-"And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds."
2. Proverbs 1:10- "My son, if sinners entice you, do no consent."

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