Easter: Get Focused

Luke 9:51- "As the time approached for Him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem."

Easter is only 7 days away.  7 DAYS!  So it's time to focus.  It's time to start focusing our prayers on specific things leading up to this incredible Sunday.  As you fast this week, have a sharp focus on hearing from God and being obedient to what He is asking you to do this week.  Here are a few things to think about.

1.  God, who do I need to invite with me on Sunday?

2.  God, who do I need to follow up with that I've already invited and haven't heard from?

3.  God, who is someone that I haven't seen in a while that needs an invite to come back?

4.  God, where is their "low hanging fruit" around me that I can capitalize on and share the Gospel with BEFORE Sunday?

5.  God, what do I need to do to be prepared to hear from you on Sunday so that I can continue to experience life change through Jesus?

Let's commit to focus on the road ahead of us, and be obedient when God answers these questions and brings people to our minds that need Jesus.

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