-I Hope More People Leave Our Church-

A family is leaving our church.  And honestly, I’ll be glad when they’re gone.

In 2 weeks, the Davidson family is leaving REVO church, and I can’t wait for them to go.  Yea, I called them out specifically on the internet.  It’s my blog, what are you going to do about it?  I’ve got 1 word for it:


In 2 weeks, this family begins a journey to Salerno, Italy, to be a part of a church plant there.  Less than one half of one percent of that country knows Jesus (that’s 0.05% for you number people), and this family is leaving EVERYTHING they have to go there and tell people about Jesus.  I’ve got 2 words for that:

“Live Sent.”

In 2 weeks, a family will put into practice what we have been trying to teach, preach, and challenge people to do for the 3 years our church plant has been worshipping Jesus in this city.   I’ve got 3 words for that:

“Set the Example.”

In 2 weeks, a family will set into motion a strategy that will land them on the other side of the world, speaking a different language, with 2 kids under the age of 5, driven by an overwhelming desire to do whatever it takes to get people far from God into a relationship with Him through Jesus.  I’ve got 48 words for that:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

In 2 weeks, our church has the opportunity to send out a family to the ends of the earth.  We have the opportunity to support them financially, spiritually, emotionally, and strategically.  We get to partner with them in life, ministry, and in the most significant calling that anyone on this earth has ever heeded.  I’ve got 2 words for that:

"Who's Next?”


Mary said...

Just a thought. Think about how great it would be if all the people in the building would go back home and start a home church. No more building maintenance, no more hearing one man preaching to us, as opposed to sharing what the Lord has shown each of us during the week. You would still have leadership,but they would also work for a living in addition to getting a salary and living in a modest home and offerings would still be coming in but most of the money would be used to help people in the groups and to help those coming in and for sending teams on mission trips to help those other home groups. The Lord said be fruitful and multiple, not get bigger. I have been living like this for almost 8 years and and have learned more about being a Christian, love and servanthood than I did in the past 22 years in the pyramid system. Check out Acts and see the pattern...Blessings

Nathan Cline said...

Thanks for the comment Mary! Great insight. I think it's going to take all kinds of churches (big, little, organic, house, multi-site, etc) to reach people with the Gospel. I'm glad to hear of your success over the past 8 years, and hope that you'll see many more people give their life to Jesus as a result of what you're doing!