A good show that I have been watching on television lately is called ‘Myth Busters’ and it’s on the Discovery Channel. The two hosts examine myths that are submitted by the viewers. They conduct tests, view all the angles, analyze the results, and determine if the myth is true or just made up. For example, one of the latest shows takes on the myth that if a dog eats chocolate it will die. Having a dog growing up I had always heard that story, but after tests done by the hosts, they proved the myth was false. Chocolate will not hurt a dog. It’s just a myth and no one knows where it originated!
Over the next couple of weeks, I want to try to debunk some myths when it comes to Scripture. I’ve heard some interesting statements lately that have really made me stop and say “What? Where did that come from?”
The first myth deals with the dress code in many churches. Have you ever wondered why so many people dress up to go to church? Why do guys where those wool suits and tight neck ties? They are so hot and uncomfortable! And ladies, those high heels and hose can’t be comfortable! So who started this tradition? Why do we do this?
The explanation you have probably heard is that “we need to give our best to God.” Where did that originate? Is that really what the Bible is talking about? Let’s take a look at Scripture.
In Leviticus 22, God gives Moses strict guidelines for the animals that are considered worthy to be used for sacrificing. God says that animals have to be perfect in order to be sacrificed. The sacrificial animals can only be bulls, sheep, and goats. They have to be male, and cannot have a single blemish. Also they cannot be deformed in any way. Moses instilled into the people of Israel that God only deserves the best.
Now, fast forward to today, and think about the mentality of many church-goers. The subject still applies to sacrifice, but we’re not talking about sacrificing comfort. Do you really think God cares what you wear to church? Now that you know the passage in which the “give God your best” concept is based upon, do you still think God is talking about your best being suits and ties instead of t-shirts and jeans? Yes, we need to give God our best, but God isn’t looking for superficial things on the outside. God examines our hearts. He wants your best when it comes to giving, loving, serving, and worship. God wants a dedicated life, not a matching tie and handkerchief. God wants obedience, not nice dresses and shiny jewelry. God wants authentic worshipers, not impressive looking formal wear!
Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve got nothing against nice clothes (I wear a suit many times when I travel and speak). If you like dressing up and wearing your best clothes to church, then by all means do it. However, dressing up is not a mandate from Scripture. So remember, give God the best in your life, whether you’re wearing flip-flops or wing-tips. God is looking for authentic Christ-followers; as long as you are seeking after Him and giving Him your all, He really doesn’t care if you wear a t-shirt or a tuxedo.
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