After the meal, Jesus did something that was extremely out of the
social norm. The teacher, leader, and most important person in the
room assumed the least glamorous role: washing the feet of the
disciples. And this wasn't just a quick squirt with a hose. These
disciples had been walking on dusty roads all day. The roads were
often filled with animal waste left by horses and donkey's that were
used for pulling carts and helping with manual labor. And something
tells me that the disciples had probably never had a pedicure either!
So Jesus took the nastiest job that was usually reserved for the hired
servants and did it voluntarily.
As you read about the scene, think about what your response would have
been. Would you be defiant like Peter and try to tell Jesus you
weren't worthy? Would you sit there inquisitively asking why Jesus
was acting so odd? Would you be overcome with emotion as you saw the
man that deserved to be served the most put on the servant's linens
and treat you like the honored guest?
Here is a quote that helps support Jesus's explanation to Peter about
why he is washing their feet.
“The possibility of substitution rests on the identity of the
substitute.” -John Stott
There is nothing Peter (or you) could do to avoid the process. If you
want eternal life, there is only one way to go. If you want the
Father, you have to go through the Son. Substitution does not hinge
on what WE say or do. It hinges on who JESUS was and what he did.
So what was the leadership style that Jesus chose? Servant
leadership. He chose to lead by example. He chose to put others
above himself, even when they didn't deserve it. So, are you being
like Jesus?
-Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet-
John 13:1-17
Key Truth: Eternal Salvation through Christ alone
Key Theme: Servant Leadership
Let me set the scene for you. You have a dimly lit room that has a table for the men to recline at. This table was probably near to the floor and the disciples nasty feet were easily seen. At the door you have a bowl and some towels for the feet to be washed as they come inside. Tonight there was no servant when Jesus and the disciples dined together.
Custom: If no servant was present then the first to arrive was to sit and wash the feet of those who were entering the house one by one. Yet the disciples walked past the bowls and sat down and ate one by one. It is obvious that Jesus was not the first to enter and it is likely he was the last to arrive.
Jesus is the main character in this story. The meal was being served and Jesus got up to wash the feet of his own.
Here is what is significant about Jesus’ precise actions. First he lays aside his outer garments (just as he will lay aside his life.)
He took the towel (he took on the very nature of the servant. -Philippians 2
Then he poured out the water (he poured out His blood for us on the cross).
He washed and dried the feet of the disciples (he completed their cleansing).
Peter asks “Lord are you going to wash my feet?” (It ties to the question ‘are you going to die for me?’)
Jesus says unless I wash your feet then you can have no part of me. (Jesus is saying that unless he dies for them and washes their sins away you can have no part of me and the Father.)
Jesus goes back to culture in Peter’s response. At this point Jesus has finished washing his feet. Peter is clean, he is saved because he believes and Jesus has washed him clean. Jesus then penetrates to the heart of Judas. (Not everyone is clean) Isaiah 29:13-16
Verse 12 When he was finished he put back on his clothes and returned to his place.(It is finished John 19:30) Let me tell you about his place it is pretty awesome Ephesians 1:18-23.
Then he asks the question: DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I HAVE DONE FOR YOU?
We often criticize the disciples because they didn't "get it" after spending 3 years with Jesus. Petere is always asking the wrong questions or saying the wrong thing: "You shall never wash my feet." But, many of us have known Jesus for longer than 3 years, and we too are still asking the wrong questions and saying the wrong things. We've missed the point of Jesus' life and ministry. We've made it about a system of rules and we've turned the focus away from God and onto us. Like we talked about Sunday night, our preferences tend to take priority: What makes me feel good? What do I like? What does God want to do for me?
Praise God that He doesn't view us in the same way. When Jesus washed the disciples' feet, He wasn't trying to gain something for Himself. May we have the same attitude when we serve God and others. The act of washing feet shouldn't be the only thing we seek to imitate - rather we should strive to imitate Christ's attitude and humility (Phil. 2:1-8)
All to often I find myself assuming the leader role in whatever I am doing. I know that this is due to the wonderful calling that has been placed upon my life, but if there was one issue that I deal with on a reoccurring basis would be that of humility. Because I long to be the man, the leader, that God is forming me into. I quickly forget whose example I am following. Pride takes a turn for the worst and without fail, every time, the Lord confronts me with my sin and knocks me down to size. Humility is key in the role of leadership. It is something I have to strive for everyday. The servant leadership model that Jesus shows us in John 13 clearly portrays a true leader. One that is willing to do anything to make sure the people he loves with have the gift of eternal salvation that he obtains. That is the kind of humility I desperately seek.
Love this: "Substitution does not hinge on what WE say or do. It hinges on who JESUS was and what he did."
Verse 17 says, "Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them."
Father, I pray that we will lead like you have shown us to do. We will put others above ourselves, even when they don't deserve it. Lord, that we will begin now, where we are, serving those around us, and when we get to Winston, we will be selflessly serving others everyday for YOUR glory. Teach us to "serve hard" so that we may "shine like stars in the universe (phil 2:15)" to the city you have called us to. Father, it does not hinge on the things we do, but on who Jesus was and what he did for us. Thank you!! Amen
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