Why write a sermon when you can preach someone else's message, especially if that message is a lot better than any sermon you could come up with?
It's something I'm learning as the pastor of a new church. Sure, I can write sermons that coincide with specific topics, themes, and ideas, but I want my preaching to be a lot more powerful than that.
I don't want to simply pick a topic and write a sermon. I want to preach what God wants me to preach to this church on this day for these people. I'm tired of trying to master that omniscience thing. I'll let God do that. God knows the people, He knows where they are in life, and He knows what they need to hear from His Word. I'll just pray and ask Him to give me the message He wants me to preach. No more guessing, no more trying to be creative, no more relying on my own experience and sermon writing abilities. God, just give me your message. People have been preaching it for thousands of years now and lives continue to be changed. There's no reason for it to stop now.
Unfortunately, I searched iTunes and God doesn't have a podcast. I can't read his blog each week to find out what next week's message at REVO should be. Yet, God is starting to teach me what to do to hear His message.
-Pray like crazy! If you want to know the message, ask God for it. He's not in the business of hiding His will from you. If you seek it out and earnestly want to be His mouthpiece, He'll tell you what to say. The two prayers I pray to God the most about REVO are: 1. What do you want me to say, and 2. Where do you want us to go?
-Don't move until He tells you! A phrase that our leadership team prays almost daily is, "God, we want to be ahead of everyone else, but behind You." When God says go, then go. Until then, wait on Him. Avoid the temptation to plan it yourself. If you try to do it alone, that's exactly what God will let you do . . . do it alone! Doing ministry without God is powerless. I want REVO to be marked by the presence and the power of God, not man.
-Listen when He talks to you! Here's a great quote: "The closer you are to God, the easier it is to hear Him speak." Are you spending time with God? Are you seeking His face daily? Are you listening, or are you doing all the talking? If you really have a desire to hear from God, then do whatever it takes to get with Him. Wake up early, stay up late, fast, pray, read His Word, just do whatever it takes.
-Say whatever He tells you! Knowing what God wants you to do and say doesn't mean squat if you aren't willing to do it and say it. Don't ask for a second opinion, don't ask for clarity, don't ask if God has changed His mind, just do it! Who cares if it sounds crazy, expensive, time consuming, or flat out impossible. God's not interested in your opinion, He's interested in your obedience.
So preach God's message, let Him change lives, and sit back as He starts the revolution.
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