Q: Is interracial marriage ok?
A: The most commonly quoted verse from people that say interracial marriage is not ok is this: 2 Corinthians 6:14a. And I say “a” because it’s almost like people stop reading after the first few words. Being unequally yoked means that followers of Christ should not marry people that don’t believe in Christ. Why? You have totally different mentalities. You have totally different sets of morals and standards. You don’t believe in the same thing. For the believer, Jesus is central, for their money, their life, their relationships, everything. And for a person that doesn’t follow Jesus, all of their wants and desires and expectations pull in the opposite direction. But some people take this as “if you’re white, you shouldn’t marry any other person except a white person.” It’s not biblical; in fact, it’s racial and ignorant. You may not want to marry someone of a different race, but don’t blame it on the Bible.
Answer: There’s nothing in Scripture that says you can’t marry someone of a different race than you.
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