Q: Can a homosexual be a Christian? And to stir the pot a little more, what if a homosexual person came to Christ, didn’t act on his or her sexual feelings, but was still attracted to members of the same sex?
A: Politics, religion, society, tv, movies, it’s everywhere right now! Homosexuality is a hot button issue. First and foremost, homosexuality is a right vs. wrong issue. Morality is based on God, so right/wrong have no effect on human desires/opinions. Right vs. wrong is not a matter of opinion, it’s a matter of fact. The slippery slope with morality is that many times people think that their opinion actually dictates the standard of morality. When it comes to morality, the standard is not a majority rules conclusion by the general public. God is the dictator of morality. Read Romans 1:25, and don’t exchange the truth of God for a lie and attempt to replace God as the bar-setter for morality.
As far as answering the question from Scripture, the Bible doesn’t condemn homosexual orientation, just homosexual acts. This helps answer one of the most recent arguments of homosexuality: “I was born this way.” How you got there is irrelevant, it’s what you do with it. We are all born sinners, but when we act on our sinful nature, then it becomes a problem. Just because you are genetically disposed to a particular behavior doesn’t make it morally right.
Despite the statement above, don’t try to pin me as a “one sin pony.” Sometimes when Christians make a statement about homosexuality they are denounced as homophobic, intolerant, and sometimes plain out hateful. That’s not me. Remember the real purpose of the Detox series is to show doctrine in light of Scripture, not just personal agendas or opinions. I’m not just picking on one group of people. I’m an equal opportunity repenter. Homosexual acts are condemned in Scripture, just like ALL sexual acts outside of marriage are. It’s sexual immorality.
Here’s a big problem with American culture: we categorize sin. For some reason, we see the sins of another person and think they are a lot worse than ours when in actuality God detests their sins just as much as he detests yours. So don’t think for one minute that your sin is somehow more palatable than someone else’s. Matthew 7:5, don’t be so concerned with the sin of your neighbor that you become de-synthesized by your own sin. Don’t be so busy knocking homosexuality in someone else that you think going home at night and looking at porn on your computer is somehow less offensive to God. What you need to do is stop judging other people and start repenting of the sexual sin in your own life.
As far as the second question goes, I ran across this quote from William Lane Craig in a great little book he wrote:
“A homosexual that is living straight and keeping himself pure ought to be able to stand up and say, ‘I’m a homosexual. But by God’s grace and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I’m living chastely for Christ.’ And I hope that we would have the courage and love to welcome him or her as a brother or sister in Christ.”
Can a homosexual be a Christian? The bible explicitly says that homosexuality is a sin of sexual immorality, which makes it morally wrong. BUT, that doesn’t mean that you can’t find salvation in Jesus or that you’re automatically going to hell, and it doesn’t mean that we don’t want you here at REVO Church. We do. In fact, there are no perfect people allowed at REVO Church.
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