Detox Doctrine: Should Babies be Baptized?

Q: Should Babies be Baptized?

A: Infant baptism is popular is some religious denominations, but the biblical answer to this is no. I base this on a few criteria that Scripture lays out about the prerequisites for baptism.

1. Before someone is baptized, they need to hear and comprehend the Gospel. Romans 10:14 urgently drives this idea. But don't get too carried away with simply hearing. After all, you can preach a sermon to a baby and they'll hear it, right? #2 goes further.

2. Before someone is baptized, they have to believe the Gospel. Mark 16:15-16 puts the order of belief before baptism. Belief comes from the hearing and comprehension of the Gospel message. Cognitively, I know 5 and 6 year-olds that cannot do that yet, much less infants and toddlers. Also look at Acts 2:41.

3. Before someone is baptized, they have to repent of their sins. Acts 2:38-39 mentions the act of repentance prior to baptism. This passage may also be a stumbling block for the advocated of infant baptism. The word "children" is used in verse 39, and the offer of baptism seems to be extended to babies as well. However, upon further study of the word, the actual meaning is "offspring or descendants," which has nothing to do with age.

4. Before someone is baptized, they must confess Jesus as Lord. I know, I know. I hear it from every mom: My baby is advanced. My baby is already rolling over, crawling, standing, walking, talking, running, eating by herself, saying the alphabet, solving rubics cubes, and doing your tax returns. I get it, you think your kid is better, smarter, and more advanced and special than any other kid. Your parental ego has to be contained!! (Besides, my kid can do all that PLUS more, so there!) Seriously though, Romans 10:9-10 makes it clear that after belief comes confessing with our mouths. A verbal profession of faith is important to your story and the advancement of the Gospel.

Now I know there's a great DVD set going around that can teach your baby to memorize and read books, but until your kid (or anyone person for that matter) can confidently execute the four things mentioned above in Scripture, then I suggest you keep them out of the pool.


Mom2one said...

Hi Nathan, My husband and I are looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. It will be our first visit and we heard about Revo through a girl named Allison. I agree with the actual Baptism with water, being an act of profession of faith in Jesus. I was wondering if Revo will do Baby Dedications, where the church and the parents vow to do all they can, to witness and encourage their child to have a deep relationship with Jesus? Another profession of faith, of a generational promise. I think it may remind everyone that as the Church, it is a wonderful privelege to take the children to Jesus feet and to promise to do so. Thanks and see you Sunday. Angela Jenkins

-NC said...

Great to hear from you Angela. Checked out your blog, the pics of Andrew are awesome! Looking forward to having you at REVO this week!