Everyone loves a good success story. A 'rags-to-riches' story is even better. Yet nothing is more enticing and alluring to a young pastor/church planter than the story of a new church that explodes with growth in a very short period of time. Even though these churches and leaders can be a ministry petri dish that others can study, analyze, and learn from, there is also a danger in becoming too enamored.
Ed Stetzer, the research guru for Lifeway, calls it 'Ministry Pornography.' 'Ministry porn happens when an unrealistic image of another church that most pastors will never have begins to distract them from experiencing the real and wonderful church that God has entrusted them with.' It's so easy to get caught up in a Bride in another location that you lose the passion and feeling for the Bride God has called you to.
Why doesn't my church look as cool as that church does?
Why aren't we growing as fast?
Why don't we have multiple services? Multiple campuses?
Why aren't 100 people giving their life to Christ every time I preach?
Why don't we have as much money?
The questions breed discontent in people's minds and drive a wedge between ministers and the very thing they are called to protect, shepherd, lead, and care for. And when times get tough or things aren't happening the way you wished they would, so many pastors pack up and leave for greener pastures, a 'sexier' Bride that looks more promising and poised for exponential growth.
Don't fall into the trap! The quickest way to lose your joy in the ministry is to start comparing yourself to others. 'Stop striving for the religious version of 'success' in your church. Get over the ministry love affair you have with your favorite big-time leader and keep faithfully pastoring the church God has called you to!'
Next Post, #3: Find Some Old People-
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