As many of you know, at our 2-year birthday service we announced that REVO Church is going to start another REVO campus in the North W/S area in 2013. We've put in a timeline for this campus to launch at the end of the fall of this year. We want to have these family meetings to keep you in the loop of new details as they come about. There are just a few things that I want to let you know:
1. This new REVO campus may be hard to wrap your mind around, so I want to give you some terminology that we use and you will continue to hear used around REVO. This new campus means that we will be "1 Church in 2 Locations." We will be 1 church (REVO Church) that meets in 2 different locations. The campus names will have words tagged on to the end (REVO downtown and REVO North are possible names), but that's just to distinguish what campus we're talking about. It's not to distinguish 2 different churches. Let me give you an example:
Before Easter, REVO had an 11am service and a 6pm service. The audience in these services were very different. Many of the 11am attenders never went to the 6pm service, and vice versa. However, we were still 1 church. It wasn't 2 churches meeting separately. It was 1 church meeting at 2 different times. This new campus will be similar. Right now, REVO North is meeting at 6pm on Sunday nights. It's still REVO! It's not us vs. them. It's not the mother ship downtown and the church plant on the North side. It's 1 church that meets at 2 different times, and also 2 different locations.
When you attend a REVO North service, you will see all of the same aspects that you find at the current REVO services: rWorld, guest services and hospitality, great worship music, and biblical teaching.
So remember that phrase: ONE church in two locations.
2. This new REVO campus will have a Campus Pastor. The is what a campus pastor does. They will pastor the people there, preach there, and be a missionary in that area of the city. They will be the point person for that campus and the people that attend there.
Which brings us to the exciting news of who the campus pastor will be at REVO North.
3. After months of praying and seeking God on the direction and plan that He has for REVO, the SLT has decided that Wesley Johnson is going to be the campus pastor of REVO North. Wes and Heather have spent a lot of time praying together and investing their lives in the North side of the city and feel that God is calling them to take this new position with REVO Church. We are extremely excited about what God is doing there, and we are 100% confident that Wes is the one that God has called out to take this leadership position on.
4. Let me make this clear! We are not losing anybody! We are not sending anyone away never to be seen or heard from again. Since we are 1 church in 2 locations, Wes is still a pastor on staff at REVO. The only thing that has changed is his job description.
Also, since the campus isn't going to launch until late in the fall, Wes will still be here on Sunday morning leading worship or playing in the band at the downtown location just like he always is. After the North campus launches, he will also be at the downtown campus about once a month after the launch to lead worship or preach just like he is doing now. So honestly, if I hadn't have told you, you wouldn't even notice the difference for another 6 months!
One last thing. We want to make sure that we have all of your questions answered and any concerns that you would have addressed. I don't want anyone thinking that we're losing someone or that this is a bad thing or you're not excited about it. So please, if you have any questions at all, send us an email at and we'll set up an appointment and we'll meet with you sometime and help you any way that we can.
We want to spark a revolution of life change through Jesus, and we know it's going to take more than 1 church to do that in this city. If we make sure the mission is elevated above everything else, then God will use us to reach this city as we do whatever it takes to get people to Jesus.
I love you guys. I appreciate your sacrifice and everything you do. I love being on this mission with you, and most of all I'm so humbled to be one of your pastors and have a front row seat to see how God is using you and this church to make Jesus famous.
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