-Planting, Pastoring, and Leading-

It didn't take me long to realize there is a lot more that I don’t know about leadership and church planting than I do know. Nevertheless, God has taught me some valuable lessons (some the hard way), and my faith and dependence on Him has grown as a result. Here are a few things God has been reminding me of lately about being a pastor, church planter, and leader.

-Be stingy with the vision. God gave it to you, and it’s not up for debate. Don’t let people water it down, tweak it, or critique it. It doesn’t matter if other people think it’s stupid, risky, costly, or impossible. Maybe that’s why God gave you the vision instead of them, because your faith is young and reckless enough to actually believe it's possible. Trust God, and go through with it.

-Don’t neglect the spiritual leaders/fathers in your city. There’s a lot to learn from existing churches and pastors in your area. Remember, we’re all on the same team. So many pastors have worked their whole lives to improve the spiritual health of the city and people where you are. Many people have had a heart to see your community reached for the Gospel. Church planters have the incredible opportunity to stand on the shoulders of pastors and churches that have come before us. Honor these pastors and leaders, and build on what they have done.

-There’s no such thing as impossible. The minute you believe that something is impossible in the ministry, then you are limiting God and your faith. When it comes down to it, do you want to have a vision and start a church that you can do on your own? Do you want to have faith in yourself and your own abilities, or do you want to have faith in God? Your ability to have a massive impact on your city for the kingdom of God has a direct connection with your concept of faith, how big you think God really is and what he can do through you.

-We’re not a good as we think we are. Some planters think they are God’s gift to church planting, to preaching, and to their city. I’ve got bad news: we’re not! In fact other than our mom and wife, I doubt anyone is as complimentary and blown away by our abilities as we are. Confidence and pride in what we do are great things to have, but let's don’t be so pompous that we work God out of the entire equation. Let's get up every morning and remind ourselves that unless God moves in our lives and in churches in a mighty and supernatural way, we’re a short time from being out of a job and becoming one of the 4,000+ churches in the US that close each year.

-Surround yourself with people that really love you. I mean people who love you so much they’re not afraid to hurt your feelings or tell you things that you don’t want to hear. I know it’s intoxicating to hear compliments and for people to tell you how great you are, but unfortunately most of that sappy jargon doesn’t help you at all. I don’t want a bunch of “yes” guys blowing sunshine up my dress. I want people who are willing to sit me down and tell me what I did wrong, what I can do better, and help motivate me to be a better husband, dad, pastor, planter, and man of God. These people will help keep you humble when pride starts to sneak in, will sharpen you and make you better, and in the end will love you and stick with you through thick and thin.

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