-3 things God tells Preachers/Pastors-

In Jeremiah chapter 1, God tells Jeremiah 3 things before he starts his prophetic ministry that are guidelines for his preaching. I try and strive to apply these things anytime I prepare and preach a message.

1. "Now, I have put My words in your mouth" (vs. 9). Preach the Words of God. Jeremiah's message was powerful because God had given him the words to say and the message to preach. Jeremiah could be confident in the results and authoritative in his proclamation because he knew the message came from God.

2. "Get yourself ready!" (vs. 17). Be prepared. Get ready to deliver the important message from God with clarity, conviction, and authority. Do whatever you need to do to correctly represent the One sending the message. Delivery can help you or hurt you, so use it to your advantage.

3. "They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you" (vs. 19). Ministry is tough. Sometimes when you stand up and preach it feels like you against the world. With Jeremiah, it practically was! It was a tough message, one that no one wanted to hear, but Jeremiah had the confidence that God was in his corner and was holding him up as he proclaimed the message. God told him from the very beginning that Jeremiah's calling would be tough, but promised he wouldn't do it alone.

Preach the Word, prepare like it all depends on you, and know that God has your back. Let's go!

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