Fasting: Adjust the Volume Knob

Exodus 34:28- "So Moses was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights. He neither ate bread nor drank water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments."

When God wanted to give Moses the 10 Commandments, He called him up to a mountain.  Maybe it was because the presence of God was too intense to be shown to everyone in public.  But maybe it was a focus thing.

Maybe God knew that in order for Moses to hear clearly and understand what God wanted him to record, that He had to figure out a way to turn the volume down on the people and everyday life that Moses was leading through.  Moses fasted and got away from the crowd to be alone with God.  He didn't even let food and drink distract him from hearing this important message.

I'm praying that our fasting will help us control the volume of life around us.  When we turn the volume down on life, and turn the volume up on God, then we can hear from Him more clearly.

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