Fasting: Can You Clarify This?

Daniel 10:2-3: "In those days I, Daniel, was mourning for three weeks. I ate no delicacies, no meat or wine entered my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, for the full three weeks."

Daniel was known for his ability to interpret dreams.  He had clarity where others couldn't put the pieces together.  Part of that process for Daniel involved fasting.  He wanted to be clear on what God was telling him and what the dreams meant, so he would clear everything out of his way mentally in order to be more in tune with God as He spoke to him.

Fasting helps us to vacate all the "extra" stuff in our lives mentally to help us focus on the main thing that God is leading us towards.  Part of following God is having the ability to distinguish His voice from all the other voices speaking to us.

I'm praying that fasting will clear the table of our lives mentally, and that we would have clarity in our next steps as God leads and guides us.

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